Bring God Glory… Come Alive!

God made us creative beings like Himself. I believe it was Andy Crouch I heard give a lecture and explain that God created man and placed him a garden, but at the end of time, Scripture tells us we will live in a city (the city of God).

What’s the difference between a garden and a city? One has been cultivated by man.

We are to steward and build with the resources God gave us to create a civilization that brings God glory.

I love that idea.

When you and I use our God-given gifts and talents for good purposes we bring God glory.

When we create things from an authentic and God-honoring place within us, and then put them out into the world, we bring God glory.

When we engage others in such a way that we honor the image of God within them, we bring God glory.

When we walk in step with God, feeling His breath and Spirit within and around us, we bring God glory.

And if you have ever done any of those things, you may have experienced something similar to what Eric Liddell describes to his sister in Chariots of Fire when he explains why he is compelled to run in the Olympics before heading to the mission field in China: “I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.”

How good is our God? He not only creates us to bring Himself glory but allows us to feel the sensation of being fully alive while doing so.

Hence why the modern-day mystic Howard Thurman was able to say: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that. What the world needs is people who have come alive.”[1]

What makes you come alive?

[1] Howard Thurman, The Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman: A Visionary for Our Time

Melissa Malami-Jones

Melissa is, above all else, a lover of Jesus, her Lord and King. She has spent almost 20 years in ministry but is now focused on walking with people who desire a closer connection with God. She knows it is God’s desire for every person to experience His great love for them.


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