Cultivate a Positive Image of God

My second and possibly most important suggestion for success at pulling away to spend time in silence and solitude with God is to cultivate a positive image of Him.

How much do you look forward to spending time alone with those who are angry with you; who you know hold a grudge against you; or always make you feel like they are sizing up your shortcomings? Probably not much.

Read the following questions and answer them honestly.

1. Would I say God is eager to forgive me?

2. Do I feel the need to clean up my thoughts and emotions before I feel comfortable spending time with God?

3. Do I feel flawed or maybe even like I was an accident?

4. Do I feel like God is distant or like there is a wall between us?

5. Do I feel guilty because I know I should be serving God but I don’t… (I’m so selfish)?

These sorts of negative thoughts or feelings can make you feel uncomfortable in spending time alone in God’s presence. Begin to reflect and process where such ideas have come from. You want to be able to trust God with your deepest, truest self… even if it’s messy.

You may find that exploring all this with a spiritual director, therapist or mature Christian friend who is not preachy will help you get at the root of false images of God. Someone with whom you can safely explore and process.

A few thoughts to keep in mind:

God isn’t like you or your parents. You may feel disappointment when your children do something they know was wrong or when they don’t show concern for you or others. You may withhold love from people who have hurt you. You may hold grudges or can’t seem to forgive people. BUT GOD IS NOT LIKE YOU (Num. 23:19; Is. 55:8-9). Scripture says that while we were still His enemies, Christ came and died for us (Ro. 5:8-10). John 1:13 says God wanted to give us the “right to become children of God—children born not of blood, nor of the desire or will of a husband, but born of God.” He didn’t have to do this, He chose to because He loves you in ways humans aren’t even capable of loving.

God is eager to forgive you. This is the message Jesus is conveying in the parable of the Prodigal Son. Ask God to search you, reveal your sin and then simply confess it asking Him to forgive you. If you have received the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus, then the veil was torn in two and nothing, not even your sin will separate you from His love (Ro. 8:31-35). If the issue is that you feel justified in your sin, then ask God to give you a contrite heart (that means a heart that feels remorse for doing wrong). NOTHING you do will make God love you less.

Don’t confuse a broken world that is not yet fully redeemed with God’s character. People will get sick and die. People will abuse others, even the helpless. Natural disasters and accidents will happen. God knows there is suffering in the world. That’s all the more reason why He so deeply desires to draw near to you and hold you close. He knows this world won’t be fully redeemed until Jesus returns, but He sent Jesus into the world the first time so that we could have an intimate relationship with Him even before that day arrives.

Let down your defenses.

Sit in His presence.

Let your God look at you… His eyes and heart are filled with love.

Just be with Him.

God knows.

God understands.

Let your God Love you.

Social Media Image by Pablo Heimplatz

Melissa Malami-Jones

Melissa is, above all else, a lover of Jesus, her Lord and King. She has spent almost 20 years in ministry but is now focused on walking with people who desire a closer connection with God. She knows it is God’s desire for every person to experience His great love for them.


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