Torchbearer or Firestarter

As you read the title of this blog, you may immediately identify with one or the other. If I had to guess, I think most of us like the idea of being a firestarter.

So, I was encouraged this morning in Matt. 4:17. After Jesus hears that John the Baptist was taken into custody, Matthew reports, “From that time Jesus began to preach and say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” What struck me was that John the Baptist had used those exact words in Matt. 3:2. I realize John was the forerunner of Jesus… of course they would have the same message... Yet it was the exact duplication of the word for word phrase that stood out to me.

I thought, “Jesus was not too proud to proclaim a message that had already been proclaimed by another.” 

This then begged the question: What about me? Am I content to share truths or practices that have been passed down to me or does my pride push me to appear novel or innovative? In other words, do I only feel esteemed when I am perceived as a firestarter or do I see value in being a torchbearer?

In a culture with a voracious appetite for novel soundbites and innovative technology, we equate being clever with being original. Yet, some concepts (or practices) are tried and true. They don’t need improving or even rebranding. Not because it’s wrong or heretical to improve upon them, but because it’s simply not necessary.

As a spiritual director and outfitter to those seeking the ancient prayer practices and spiritual disciplines, I have had to wrestle with the humbling idea that I am not bringing anything new to the table. I have questioned why people wouldn’t just get an old book that explains all of this. After all, I am saying things that have already been said, by people who probably said them better than I am able..

Yet, this is my calling. I am called to be a torchbearer of fires that others started centuries ago. May I do so with faith that our God can use these old fires to ignite new generations with a deeper revelation of His love.

Are there any old practices or concepts that ignited your love of God when they were passed down to you?

Melissa Malami-Jones

Melissa is, above all else, a lover of Jesus, her Lord and King. She has spent almost 20 years in ministry but is now focused on walking with people who desire a closer connection with God. She knows it is God’s desire for every person to experience His great love for them.


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