And what shall we discuss?
So, let’s say you decide you want to start “A Worthwhile Conversation” group with your friends. What will be your topic of conversation? I’d love to hear your ideas.
Here are a few of mine.
Emily P. Freeman is probably the best podcaster I’ve ever heard because her voice and pace of speech is perfect for this medium. She released a 15 minute one last fall about becoming a soul minimalist. It is based on the season of Autumn but you could apply the concepts to any season.
Curt Thompson, MD, is a psychiatrist who takes his specialty study of interpersonal neurobiology and relates it to a Christian vision of what it means to be human and specifically our deepest desire, which is to be known. He has this one incredible podcast episode in which he talks about how the brain actually heals from trauma and how we can cultivate a different way of thinking and being – and it works best if we do it in community. He gives practical tips on simple things you can do to promote neuroplasticity like reading deeply, changing the way we eat and deep sleep cycles. The first 15 minutes feels a little heavy on the science but keep listening because what you learn is both fascinating and inspirining.
Are you close to Charlotte, NC? If so, is your group up for a field trip? Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary’s Charlotte campus has this fresco depicting the parable of the sower on the front chapel wall. The first few times I was in there, I couldn’t even focus on the speaker because it is so breath-taking. If you can’t take your group to Charlotte, try to order a few post cards from the seminary gift shop to distribute to your group and google some info on the details (like the twin towers in the back left corner). This work of art always strikes conversation.
No matter what you decide to center the conversation around, remember that the goal is not to debate but to have a safe place to share personal inner thoughts and feelings with grace-filled friends. Everyone’s deepest desire is to be truly seen and known; and once seen, to be accepted for who we are and loved in spite of anything that is not lovely. One of the best, non-intrusive ways I know to do this, is to simply sit down and have a worthwhile conversation.