Sacred Author

Last year my Lenten practice included going through The Ignatian Workout by Tim Muldon. In addition to the devotional reading and prayer it included a daily “exercise”. On day 2 - which was 1 year ago today - I was to create something, a recipe, a card, poem, etc. and give it to someone special. I wrote the following and sent it to 2 of my dearest friends.

Oh Lord, you search us and you know...
You know us because You created us. Everything about us. You could have created us differently. But You like who You created us to be.

You are a Sacred Author who has lovingly, carefully created each of Your characters to add depth and beauty to a particular chapter in Your story.
Each character enters the story at Your appointed time.

You are not an author who writes the book and puts it on a shelf. You actually enter the story with us. Even when we do not sense Your presence, You are there.
There is no scene we can mess up, no subplot we can wander into that would catch You unaware. For You, our Sacred Author, are ever rewriting us back into where You want us in Your story.

You enjoy the journey with us. You laugh with us when we laugh; You weep with us when we weep. We can rest in Your ability to keep the plot moving and simply enjoy playing our part.

We do not fear how our chapter in this ongoing story ends, for there is another volume still to come. You have already written us into that one as well. And that volume is eternal. In it, we will commune with You, our Sacred Author face-to-face.


Special thanks to Dr. Adams at GCTS for teaching me about the idea of God as Sacred Author.

Melissa Malami-Jones

Melissa is, above all else, a lover of Jesus, her Lord and King. She has spent almost 20 years in ministry but is now focused on walking with people who desire a closer connection with God. She knows it is God’s desire for every person to experience His great love for them.


Enough really is enough


Yes, it’s good. Just not for me.