No feeble Christ!

A few years ago, I read this description written by Laura Swan about the faith of a fifth century hermit, Susan.

It took my breath away. It articulated a truth that I wanted to possess:

“She held a steadfast and unwavering trust in God’s willingness and ability to protect her from the evil one, to deliver her from her own weakness and sin and to prevail fully in the end. Hers was no feeble Christ!” (1)

I created a reminder on my phone that made the quote pop up daily. For months I would pause, read, pray…briefly meditate on this line.  

Paul describes the same sort of trust in Christ’s work in Romans 8:1, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  Yet, for some reason that always sounded as if he were speaking to those on the other side of their weakness and sin who were lamenting past deeds.

What if one is not past their sinful patterns yet? What if one is still in the thick of the battle? Swan’s words rang more like the apostle’s statement at the end of 1Thess 5: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your entire spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”

Yes! That is what I need to believe in the very marrow of my bones. This is not me alone striving to be untangled from the sin that so easily ensnares as God sits at a distance watching hoping I get it right this time. No! Christ’s sheer power will overwhelm my disordered attachments and come out victorious. I need only keep bringing myself prostrate before Him.

Lord, You know my weakness and the sins with which I battle - some for years. Yet, You never give up on me. You keep Your hand heavy on me. You keep calling me to repent. You will win the battle of my sanctification just as you did the battle for my salvation. For You are no feeble Christ! Glory!

  1. Laura Swan, The Forgotten Desert Mothers p. 101-102.

Melissa Malami-Jones

Melissa is, above all else, a lover of Jesus, her Lord and King. She has spent almost 20 years in ministry but is now focused on walking with people who desire a closer connection with God. She knows it is God’s desire for every person to experience His great love for them.


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